Shawna Sahara


I met Shawna Sahara shopping for bodies at Maitreya. From there we went over to Velour where Shawna found a nice face to go with the body skin she liked. While we were looking at faces I also had a nice chat with oLUCIEo who was looking for Christmas presents for herself! 😀 Later Shawna and I went over to Hilly Haalan and bugged our eyes out at the million fashions on offer!

Shawna Sahara

In her profile, Shawna describes herself as:

Everyone likes to write something in this little box of text. I don’t have any deep thoughts or an extensive list of requirements. Just go ahead and talk, start a conversation and we will see how it ends.


In her profile, Lucie describes herself as:

Exploring, listening music, shopping, chatting and so on … Made in France (SLT+9)

Days Old

  • Today Shawna is 5,803 days old.
  • Today oLUCIEo is 1,228 days old.
  • Today I am 3,893 days old.


Shawna Sahara, Edie Starling, and oLUCIEo at Velour. Am I the only one who bothers to wear clothes anymore?