Coming Soon: Art Farm!
My proposal for an Art Farm Co-op was selected for the 2nd half of 2015. We’re starting to get set up for Summer Session which begins on August 1st. I haven’t had a chance to meet our diagonal neighbor FreeWee Ling at LEA27 yet, but I did meet and chat with Lorin Tone at LEA26 and Surreal Skytower, Mollie Tison & 55aaa Danick at LEA29.

Meet the Neighbors
We’ve all agreed to try to make our borders as pedestrian friendly as possible. 55 and I were able to smooth out the terraforming between LEA28 & LEA29. And Lorin and I discussed making the land/water levels equal across LEA28 & LEA26. I’ve given him Terraforming rights at LEA28 so he can make it walkable on either side.
Art Farm Summer Team
Meanwhile the 4 quadrants within our Art Farm Co-op at LEA28 are shaping up. Oona Nostra will be the Residence Assistant at Ward 81. For MUGA (Medici University Gallery of Art) Myra Wildmist will be the Chief Curator, and Jade Ravenheart will be the Director of Education. Our crazy collaborative (and individual) build-o-topia, Babel Infocalypse will be guided along gently by our Icarus Chair of Infocalypse, Neeva Torok.
Upcoming Sessions @Art Farm
- Summer Session: August 1 – September 13
- Fall Session 1: September 26 – November 8
- Fall Session 2: November 21 – December 31
“Lands” for Summer Session
You are invited to participate at any (or all) of Art Farm’s 4 activity areas or “Lands” for Summer Session:
- MUGA: Show art, see art, take class, teach class
Ward 81: Our tribute to Mary Ellen Mark who passed away in May, Ward 81 will be an open place to Live, to Hang Out, and also to, respectfully create photographic images of the people who spend part of their time here during the 6 weeks of Summer Session 2015. You might also find, create, or participate in Avatar Design, Fashion, and Dance here.
Babel Infocalypse: takes as its inspiration the many wonderful “towers” that Neeva created at Medici University last semester. BI might include towers or other sorts of creations. Large scale or small. Collaborative or individual. Come participate!
Low Fidelity: is a place for Machinima, Public Art, Performance Art, and World Design. Come play, interact, experience!
We’ll be using the same 3 primary communication tools as MU@LEA23 did:
- VBCO Slack Team
- MU/Talk
- In-world, VB Friends chat & notices
The Rules
We’d like to have as few rules as possible. One thing that will make many people happy is that unlike MU@LEA23, Art Farm Coop WILL allow flying!
- No Skyboxes. You can fly, you can point-2-point teleport, the only restriction is No to Skyboxes. I really want everyone to share what they create right on ground level where everyone can see, share, and interact.
- Art Farm Coop will have a Creative Commons Non-Commercial license. No one but you can sell your work. However if you rez anything at Art Farm, or say anything in Local Chat, or VB Friends chat, then it’s fair game for anyone to post it. No asking for people to take down photos of the public space of Art Farm or transcripts of things publicly said.
- Be present. MU@LEA23 was a huge success. Still, many artists rezzed a gallery and then moved on. The focus of Art Farm is to be present. Yes, you can rez stuff in the “land” of your choice. You can work with others or on your own. But the focus is not on “having your space” but on being present. In order to participate in Art Farm Summer Session I ask that you commit to spending at least 1 hour per week at the farm, for each of the 6 weeks of summer session. Of course, you’re welcome to spend a lot more time on the farm! But if you can at least do 1 hour, I hope we can create a vibrant community.
- What else? That’s all the rules for now. LMK if there are other issues that should be covered.
Come Play With Us!
Want to get involved with Art Farm Coop @LEA28? Send me an email:
8 responses to “Art Farm – Update #1”
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Please accept my request to occaisionally be an impartial observer of the Ant Farm. To be honest my technical skills are lacking, but I do like art and film criticism.
gee, Scott, I don’t see anything counter-factual at all in your Posted Comment. it is so refreshing in days like these where everywhere you look there is something askance from reality. people need a lift from boredom. Good luck with your impartial observing.
But…. isn’t this ALL supposed to be askance from reality?
And Super-realism certainly was. Dali actually painted the Transifguration by giving it properties that would make it seem like Christ of the Bible was the historical Jesus of Nazareth, years before Warhol appropriated the image. Then after painting the crucifixion, her went the opposite way, instead of lending super realism to give veracity to a religious painting, he rendered the Mona Lisa into something that seemed to have no credibility as a renaissance image.
By the way, I saw my Warhol Superstar again today, he lives nearby, and being originally from Ireland, elderly and on a date, he asked me if I was going to be his best man in a humorous, joking way. I mentioned it before, he knew Rennee years ago, which came up in our recent discussions.
Cold hearted orb, that rules the night,
Removes the colors from our sight,
And red is gray and yellow white,
But we decide which is right,
And which IS an illusion.
Thanks so much Scott, Lord, and Scotty! I’d be dead without y’all!!
“…being originally…”
Mollie Tison? huh? To be concise.