Moscow, March 4, 2018 —
By one of the narrowest margins in Russian election history newcomer Nadezhda Tolokonnikova has edged out incumbent Vladimir Putin to become only the 4th president of Russia since 1990.
Early in the election cycle Putin held a double-digit lead over Tolokonnikova and the election looked to be a landslide. In speech after speech Putin hammered away about Tolokonnikova’s almost total lack of experience. The tide seemed to turn when Tolokonnikova began her I have no experience campaign strategy.
Mr. Putin is right, I do not have the experience that he does. I have no experience imprisoning opponents. I have no experience torturing political prisoners. I have no experience using state police to deny free speech. I have no experience stealing from the people to make my friends rich. I have no experience turning a once great nation into a 3rd world country.