Vancouver, BC, April 28 —
They say The city never sleeps. I used to believe that. I used to lead tours to the most vibrant parts of the world’s greatest city that lasted from night into day. I know now that concrete is not alive. A part of the city’s death is created in its birth. When it is set in stone. Have you lost a part of your humanity in the crush of the city? In the race of career? Of consumption? Let me help you find another way.
Announcing Edie Sedgwick’s Eco Adventures. A chance to Remember. Reconnect. Rewild. Rewilding is the process of recovering an organic whole, a past unity, a oneness with nature. Sometimes it is an individual spiritual journey within the heart of the city. Sometimes it is a large project enabling thousands of hectares of land to recover their natural order after the destruction of clear cutting, unsustainable farming practices, excessive construction.
To begin your personal rewilding journey, please fill out my contact form and let me know about your life as it is and your goals, hopes, and dreams for the future: